Don't Live With Facial Sweating

A common myth that prevails amongst the people is that facial hyperhidrosis usually affects people who are obese, though this is not always true. Nevertheless it is a fact that victims of facial sweating often face embarrassment when they attend a social gathering and may even become paranoid and also go up to the extend of avoiding outdoor gatherings and other public events.

And to make things worse, facial hyperhidrosis also affects one's neck, face and scalp. This means that someone who is suffering from this condition also has a very good chance of soaking their head and face with sweat while doing the lightest of physical activities. This condition makes things even worse for women as the excessive facial sweating could ruin their make-up or mascara.   

Sad thing about this condition is that it isn’t exactly a curable condition. But those who suffer from this shouldn’t lose hope as though this is not a condition that can be cured completely but there is certainly the possibility of controlling it. There are two ways of controlling this i.e. surgical or non-surgical ways. It is better that surgical way be used as the last resort, as it might open the door to other complications.

The most common non surgical method that is being used to control excessive sweating is antiperspirants that can be purchased over a counter. Few of the common antiperspirants that are available in the market include Drysol - aluminium chloride mixed with ethyl alcohol - and Maxim which is stronger than Drysol. This method has been found to be reasonably effective against this condition.

Those above mentioned tropical antiperspirants need to be left on one's skin for 6 to 8 hours. It is important to keep your skin completely dry before applying them, or else you might suffer acute skin irritation. You must also keep in mind that applying the antiperspirant at night and washing it off in the morning causes daytime sweating to set in.

As mentioned earlier, excessive facial sweating can also affect the scalp, and hence unless you have really short hair, you could also find your hair damp due to sweat. Needless to say this could be quite damaging to your efforts to stop excessive facial sweating, as it could result in more sweat formation and all your efforts will result in nothing.

Nowadays physicians are exploring another method of treatment called Botox injections. These injections have already proved themselves in the treatment of underarm sweating. But this method also has its disadvantages as Botox has still not yet been approved for treating any other type of excessive sweating, and to the method is painful and quite costly too.

Different other methods of controlling excessive facial sweating without surgery have also been developed in recent years. Most of these are natural remedies that are being continuously developed and excessively used in treating this condition. There are many options to treat this condition and it would be a good idea to search up on net for some of the many resources.

Visit the Facial Sweating Blog. End Facial Sweating Today.