Your Guide to Cure Excessive Underarm Sweating


The human body needs to sweat in order to cool down when the temperatures become very high. In nature, we see many creatures around us using various methods to keep a constant body temperature –but sweating is the human way of doing it. But unfortunately it is found that some people experience excessive sweating, a condition known as hyperhidrosis, in which the sweat levels are higher than usual even during normal conditions. His condition is attributed to the overactive sympathetic nervous system.

The central command center of the human body for sweat related processes is the hypothalamus. The brain transmits impulses to the sweat nerves which then send it along to the sweat glands. When this system gets hyperactive, the sweat glands make larger quantities of sweat, resulting in the condition of excessive sweating known as hyperhidrosis. There are different stimuli that can contribute to this process and the most common among these include nervousness, outside pressure, anxiety, stress.

Social interactions could also trigger excessive sweating as it creates an environment where all the above mentioned factors become active. When a person suffering from excessive sweating is engaged in social interactions the strength of the outside stimuli increases, which makes that person more susceptible to sweat extensively.

There also can be many other causes for excessive armpit sweating including exercises, infections, stress or a decline in sex hormones. When the level of hormones drops, excessive sweating can occur. For example, women tend to lose most of their estrogen during menopause, and so they start sweating excessively even though their body temperature only goes up a bit. The same thing can happen to men when they get prostate cancer. As they start losing hormones, they too can start sweating excessively.

The following tips can very well help those suffering from excessive armpit sweating to control it.

The first method that can be tried is the use of antiperspirants, or talcum powder after a bath. Antiperspirants contain ammonium chloride salt and have the ability to stop your skin from releasing sweat though they have undesirable side effects like skin irritation to sensitive skin. To prevent body odor caused by excessive armpit sweating, you might also want to use deodorant.

Another method that can help prevent excessive armpit sweating would be regular exercise. It is a fact that people who have more fats under their skin tend to sweat excessively as their body fats are insulating the body. People suffering from excessive underarm sweating should workout regularly to let their body get used to higher body temperatures. When your body adapts to such temperatures, you will tend to sweat less in a warm environment.

Those suffering from excessive underarm sweating should also wear clothes that allow easy air circulation like clothes made from silk, cotton and wool. Also wear white or light colored clothes when out under the sun, as they reflect sunlight better and thus reduces the probability of excessive armpit sweating.

Finally, you may also try relaxation techniques like yoga, taiji or meditation to reduce stress and hence control the excessive underarm sweating.

Visit the Excessive Armpit Sweating Website. End Excessive Armpit Sweating Now.