Axillary Hyperhidrosis and Tips to Stop The Sweat

Axillary Hyperhidrosis is the medical name for suffering from an excessive sweating of the armpits. Each form of hyperhidrosis has its own name such as palmar hyperhidrosis for the hands and plantar hyperhidrosis for the feet. People who suffer from this axillary hyperhidrosis suffer the embarrassment of wet, sweaty patches on their clothing as well as sweat stains on their clothes.

People who suffer from this unwelcome condition often find themselves deliberately avoiding social situations. These people may shy away from work colleagues, friends and even family because of the embarrassment of their obvious sweat patches and stains.

The most common forms of hyperhidrosis are palmar hyperhidrosis which is characterised by sweaty palms, and axillary hyperhidrosis which is the excessive sweating of the armpits. It is this armpit sweating that causes the most embarrassment because of its very obvious and hard to conceal nature.

The condition could be attributed in some people to a problem with a particular part of their nervous system that is responsible for the control of sweating. In the sympathetic nervous system there is one particular portion that is responsible for the regulation of sweat. No one actually knows for certain what causes some people to sweat significantly more than others but it is understood that the sympathetic nervous system is supposed to be in control of it.

Hyperhidrosis is essentially a condition which is recognised as the presence of excessive amounts of perspiration that can and may at times affect the whole body. This condition varies from person to person and may exist in some specific areas of the body or the entire body all together, in general though the hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating itself will occur all over a persons body.

Primary hyperhidrosis does not have a known physical cause as yet but it is suspected that overactivity of the reflex arcs which are involved in sweating may have something to do with it. This form of hyperhidrosis is characterised by excessive sweating in a localised area or areas such as the feet, hands, armpits and the face.

There is no preferred type of hyperhidrosis to have if a sufferer was given a choice as they all present problems and embarrassment. For women, facial hyperhidrosis can be excessively embarrassing and inconvenient as it can often make makeup seem to just melt off with the constant flow of perspiration. For men,  this facial hyperhidrosis can make it difficult to have a moustache or beard because the sweat drips down into this facial hair and can cause it to small rather offensive.

Excessive underarm sweating (axillary hyperhidrosis) is embarrassing for men and women because of the body odour which can be associated with it and because of the unsightly sweat stains and patches which occur as a result of the condition.

All is not lost for those who suffer from axillary hyperhidrosis. A simple trip to a doctor or dermatologist may provide you with a wide variety of possible treatments and solutions. It is certainly worth a try, the only thing you have to lose is the sweat and the quicker you achieve this the quicker you will grasp life with two hands and live your life to the fullest.


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