Axillary Hyperhidrosis-Causes&Treatment

Axillary Hyperhidrosis is the exact medical term that denotes the condition of excessive sweating from the armpits. Those suffering from axillary hyperhidrosis experience excessive sweating from the underarm area which results in wet marks and stained clothes.

The axillary hyperhidrosis condition is embarrassing for those who are suffering from it and the condition badly affects a person’s social life. The excessive sweating from the underarms also tends to affect the professional life because of the embarrassment due to wet underarms and it also makes people to avoid work situations where their sweating condition may be displayed.

Axillary hyperhidrosis may be caused due to a problem with a part of the nervous system that controls sweating. The very basic explanation that is given for excessive sweating is that a segment of the sympathetic nervous system is responsible for this condition. Though no one really knows why some individuals sweat excessively while others don’t, it is understood that the sweating is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system.

One of the most common theories that explain the cause of excessive underarm sweating is the theory of genetics. It is believed that people are just born this way and inherited this condition from their parents or any of their predecessors. The people suffering from axillary hyperhidrosis has an over active sweat gland that produces sweat during normal conditions also.

Another popular theory on axillary hyperhidrosis is that sufferers have a very active nervous system. Most of us associate nervousness with a sweaty face, and this condition sort of follows the same idea. A person who has an over active nervous system, which makes his nerves to constantly give impulses increases his body heat.

It is extremely important to seek a remedy to get rid of excessive armpit sweating because of two reasons. Firstly of all it makes it difficult for a person with axillary hyperhidrosis to do anything with excessive perspiration. Secondly sweat that is formed in the armpits has proteins and fatty acids. This sweat is a favorite breeding ground for bacteria. The bacterial infection gives rise to a bad odor, which can be a huge social embarrassment.

The most popular treatment options for Axillary Hyperhidrosis are:

1) The most common form of treatment for axillary hyperhidrosis is the oral and topical medication. This could be any over the counter product or a medicine prescribed by an expert. A common option that many people try is antiperspirant spray that has aluminum chloride but this method produces short-term results only.

2) The second method followed to get rid of excessive armpit sweating is a process called iontophoresis. In this process the armpits are exposed to water through which electrical current is passed. This helps in controlling sweat. This method however requires once a week maintenance and has a good success rate.

3) The third treatment involves injecting botox in the armpits. This solution is not only expensive but also slightly painful; nevertheless the results last for about six months.

4) The last option though expensive and painful is surgery and this solution may give long-term results.

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