Facial Sweating-Things You Didn't Know

Although the process of sweating is normal and natural for the human body, there is a certain point that can be reached in some people where it is not only abnormal, but also it becomes really troublesome. When the natural process of sweating is excessive in some people, it is known as excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis, which is a health condition that is caused due to a abnormal functioning of the sympathetic nervous system and also due to certain disorders of the sweat glands.

There are mainly four different types of excessive sweating, which are palmar excessive sweating, axillary excessive sweating, plantar excessive sweating, and facial excessive sweating. Facial sweating occurs at unexpected moments and it does not necessarily need to be triggered by factors such as anxiety or emotional insecurity.

The excessive facial sweating condition could also become visible in some people in the most normal situations such as while talking to people or giving a presentation at work, for instance and hence can not only be embarrassing but also trigger further sweating due to anxiety. The problem of excessive facial sweating poses an even larger problem to women, because they can have a really hard time putting on makeup and also preventing it from running once they have applied it, for instance.

Treatment for Facial Sweating

If you are suffering from excessive facial sweating problem, then you should really know that there are a few different treatments that are available to you. Surgery is one of the more familiar options, as this method has the highest long-term success rate. While resolving the problem by means of surgery select sympathetic nerves or nerve ganglia in the chest are either cut or burned which helps in reducing the triggering of sweat glands.

There is also another method called iontophoresis, wherein the affected areas are placed in a device that has two pails of water with a conductor in each one, and either the hand or foot then acts as a conductor between the positively and negatively charged pails. After this when a low current is passed through the area, the minerals in the water clog the sweat glands, thus limiting the amount of sweat that is released from the affected areas.

Apart from this there are also various forms of oral medication that are available, and in particular a class of anticholinergic drugs that are available have been found to be effective in reducing the excessive facial sweating. Ditropan is another medication that is commonly prescribed for this condition, though it is necessary that you should never take this or any other type of medication without discussing it with your doctor first, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or trying to get pregnant.

Excessive facial sweating is a serious condition that can cause great inconvenience to one’s life, but you also have to remember to keep your head up and also realize that there are ways in which you can treat and control your sweating problem, and so you should never feel as if there are no options or as though you are vulnerable, since this is totally fallacious. 

Visit the Facial Sweating Website. Learn How To End Facial Sweating Today.